Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

On the Friday night before Halloween, we took Julia to a park in Farragut to go trick or treating.  She filled up her pumpkin, got to decorate a cookie, and took a bag of popcorn home to eat while she watched Charlie Brown's Great was a great night (and since it rained Halloween night, we were SO glad we took her).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In the yard...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Church Halloween Party...

David and I took Julia (along with Mamaw and Papaw) to the church Halloween party for a bit.  Both Julia and I were still feeling a bit under the weather and I think she was still grouchy about us leaving her the night she wasn't super excited to be put it mildly...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visit to Pittsburgh...

This weekend we took a trip to Pittsburgh and then Deep Creek, Maryland, to visit everyone and to pick up some furniture from my Aunt and Uncle's house.  It was nice to see everyone and Julia did great on the long trip.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Julia was ecstatic with her ice cream sundae fact on the way home, she chanted "eye cree, eye cree" (ice cream, ice cream) over and over again until the sugar rush wore off and she conked out.

Monday, October 05, 2009

One, two, free...

Julia shocked us today by counting to ten (= Now, since she's our first, we have no idea where this falls on the developmental spectrum...for all we know, other folks' 10 month olds are reciting their ABC's and multiplying by 9. All we know is that our 22 month old was stuck on three one day (and usually just counted to two over and over again) and the next day she counted to ten along with me while I was pushing her in a swing at the park. Two days after that, she was sitting in her carseat playing with a ball and she just counted to ten all by herself (= Actually, that first time she skipped 8, but since then, the number 8 is back in the line-up and she just wanders around the house counting to ten and clapping for herself every time she gets to the magic number. Adorable. How do they learn so fast?

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Julia and Grandma

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Making Pizzas at Wee Play at the Zoo...

Julia-ism #1

Since Julia's getting pretty chatty now (not that we understand all, or even most, of what she says), I've decided to start blogging some of her gems so I don't forget (=

Yesterday, I asked Julia what she wanted for lunch. I normally ask her this question while I'm fixing her lunch and don't usually expect a response because she normally just shouts out whatever I'm pulling out of the fridge. But we were pulling into the driveway on our way back from the store when I asked her this time and she paused as if deep in thought. Then she stated emphatically, "Gergurt!" (Yogurt).

"Yogurt? That's great sweetheart, what else?"

A look of satisfaction from Julia as she realizes two things: One, I understand what she's saying. Two, she actually gets to make a decision.

With glee, "ka-cay!" (Cupcake).

Later, as she's eating a slice of cheese, some turkey, and her beloved yogurt, she suddenly pauses and says, "Mommy, mommy! Where ka-cay?" When I told her the yogurt was a good choice but we didn't have any cupcakes for lunch, she glared at me, pushed the whole plate away, crossed her arms over her chest, and refused to eat any more for a good five minutes. That's pure betrayal to a 22 month old, my friends.