Thursday, October 01, 2009

Julia-ism #1

Since Julia's getting pretty chatty now (not that we understand all, or even most, of what she says), I've decided to start blogging some of her gems so I don't forget (=

Yesterday, I asked Julia what she wanted for lunch. I normally ask her this question while I'm fixing her lunch and don't usually expect a response because she normally just shouts out whatever I'm pulling out of the fridge. But we were pulling into the driveway on our way back from the store when I asked her this time and she paused as if deep in thought. Then she stated emphatically, "Gergurt!" (Yogurt).

"Yogurt? That's great sweetheart, what else?"

A look of satisfaction from Julia as she realizes two things: One, I understand what she's saying. Two, she actually gets to make a decision.

With glee, "ka-cay!" (Cupcake).

Later, as she's eating a slice of cheese, some turkey, and her beloved yogurt, she suddenly pauses and says, "Mommy, mommy! Where ka-cay?" When I told her the yogurt was a good choice but we didn't have any cupcakes for lunch, she glared at me, pushed the whole plate away, crossed her arms over her chest, and refused to eat any more for a good five minutes. That's pure betrayal to a 22 month old, my friends.

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