Monday, October 05, 2009

One, two, free...

Julia shocked us today by counting to ten (= Now, since she's our first, we have no idea where this falls on the developmental spectrum...for all we know, other folks' 10 month olds are reciting their ABC's and multiplying by 9. All we know is that our 22 month old was stuck on three one day (and usually just counted to two over and over again) and the next day she counted to ten along with me while I was pushing her in a swing at the park. Two days after that, she was sitting in her carseat playing with a ball and she just counted to ten all by herself (= Actually, that first time she skipped 8, but since then, the number 8 is back in the line-up and she just wanders around the house counting to ten and clapping for herself every time she gets to the magic number. Adorable. How do they learn so fast?

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